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The GPS Indoor Testing Solution
This product is only to be used for testing GNSS equipment/systems for the purpose of product development or fabrication.
Per the latest FCC guidance, the following use cases are NOT allowed:
An FCC Experimental Broadcast license is required to operate this device, with the following exceptions:
Click Here for assistance calculating your re-radiating kit link budget and applying for your experimental license.
The GPS Indoor Testing Solution (GPS-ITS) comes with everything you need to build a complete re-radiating system that can re-radiate the GPS L1 signal indoors. The GPS L1 signal received by the roof antenna is amplified and re-radiated to GPS receivers indoors, eliminating the need to attach receivers directly to the roof antenna. The GPS-ITS consists of an active roof antenna, a passive re-radiating antenna, a roof antenna mount (L1RAMB), a re-radiating amplifier mount (WRUMT), 50ft of LMR400 cable, and a variable gain re-radiating amplifier (NVGLCDLA30RPDC) with an external power supply that powers the entire system. With 50ft of LMR400 low loss coax cable connecting the roof antenna to the re-radiating amplifier, the GPS-ITS will transmit the GPS signal indoors to receivers up to 200 feet away. In the standard Networked (Externally Powered) configuration, the re-radiating amplifier output (J1) is DC Blocked.
Use Cases
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